Around 14 million cars travelled at least 20 miles on the last Friday before Christmas last year. With potholes responsible for as many as 10% of all mechanical failures on UK roads and local authorities currently paying out in excess of £30 million in compensation claims per year, pothole repair is becoming more frequently topical and increasingly high on the national infrastructure agenda.
Local authorities are keen to keep the road network moving over Christmas and New Year so are being encouraged to keep stocks of instant pothole repair materials such as Permanent Pothole Repair, 6mm Instant Road Repair and 10mm Instant Road Repair so that repair work can be carried out swiftly and cost effectively to prevent delays to commuters over the festive period.
Permanent Pothole Repair, 6mm Instant Road Repair and 10mm Instant Road Repair are supplied in 25kg bags or tubs and can be applied direct from the bag or tub, filling patches with ease and enabling effortless compaction once in-situ. The straightforward application provides a more efficient repair method, saving the contractor both time on site and on the overall cost of installation.
The easy work formula eliminates the need for kneading before installation which makes the products perfect for use in cold conditions. The new enhanced Permanent Pothole Repair is available in 25kg tubs and is recommended for the repair of potholes in roads, driveways and car parks. Instant Road Repair 6mm grade is supplied in 25kg plastic bags and tubs and is ideal for permanent repairs in footpaths and cycle tracks whereas the 10mm grade is perfect for repairs to carriageways.
Previously many authorities and contractors would use a ‘hot-box’ set-up or ‘deferred set’ material.
A hot-box is a costly piece of kit and is generally only viable for those carrying out large and frequent repairs. The hot-box takes up a significant amount of load space and carrying capacity on the vehicle too, making it practical for only a limited few.
Deferred set material is a compromise from most perspectives. Deferred set macadam generally doesn’t harden for a number of days, making it convenient for storing and transporting over a number of days, but it doesn’t go particularly hard and doesn’t offer great performance – a compromise on all counts.
Short of resurfacing a road or tarmac area entirely, a cold lay, permanent, HAPAS approved product is next best thing and as Ultracrete’s Permanent Pothole Repair, Instant Road Repair 6mm and Instant Road Repair 10mm are the market leaders and that’s why we stock them here.
UltraCrete’s cold lay asphalts are formulated to give a performance equivalent to hot-lay materials, yet remain workable and effective for 6 months without degrading in storage or transit. Cleaner, more efficient and user friendly than hot applied materials, they can be used in all weathers at any time, day or night and are particularly suitable for small works such as patch repairs, street ironwork installation, access covers and repairs to footways. Furthermore, the resealable tubs eliminate wastage, helping your money go further.
Permanent Pothole Repair, Instant Road Repair 6mm and Instant Road Repair 10mm are all available in store now for delivery next working day and we also stock a full range of hand and power tools for installation.
It’s no wonder then that local authorities, contractors, facilities managers and other commercial organisations are choosing Instant Road Repair and Permanent Pothole Repair to ensure their potholes are fixed quickly, efficiently and cost effectively.
For more information about any of the products mentioned above, or for a quotation, please feel free to call or email us at 0330 122 1025 or sales@thepavingexperts.co.uk