Granary Square, King’s Cross, London

The fantastic new Granary Square – the heart of King’s Cross – is London’s newest square and one of the largest of its kind in Europe. Over 1000 fountains create a spectacular water feature, all bedded using UltraScape’s Resi-Bed resinous mortar.
The square’s area was once used for the unloading of barges, so it was fitting to work its aquatic history into its new design. The Fountain Workshop designed the choreographed fountains, which are individually lit and at their most spectacular at night.
Specialist stone contractors, Miller Druck International Stone bedded each jet with UltraScape Resi-Bed, a product that once cured, is entirely waterproof and chemical resistant making it ideal for use on water features. It has an exceptionally high bond strength and the ability to withstand higher flexural strain than traditional sand and cement mortars.
UltraScape Resi-Bed can be laid at depths from 5-50mm and is available in a complete pack containing primers, gloves and brushes.
Granary Square, designed by Townshends Landscape Architects, also features reclaimed granite setts and porphyry paving that were both laid using the specified UltraScape mortar paving system. This combination was chosen to preserve as much of the area’s heritage as possible – old rail tracks and turntables have also been left intact.
The UltraScape mortar paving system consists of Pro-Bed HS bedding mortar, Pro-Prime slurry primer and Flowpoint flowable grout. It is proven to be BS 7533 compliant under UKAS testing methods. This testing assesses the performance capabilities of the materials considering compressive, flexural and adhesive bond strengths, and shrinkage amongst others. It also ensures rigid paving is constructed using the correct procedure ensuring durability.
The completion of Granary Square has provided the perfect stage for events and festivals to be held all year round and is overlooked by the restored granary building, home of the world famous arts college – Central Saint Martins.
Sarah Haywood of Camden Council also commented that: “This really shows how by working in partnership we can deliver real and lasting improvements to the borough making it a great place to both live and do business.”