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What is Flowpoint?

Ultrascape Flowpoint is a flowable, wet slurry paving grout, made from Portland cement and a blend of special aggregates. Flowpoint paving grout is ideal for quickly pointing joints between slabs in patios, terraces and paving. Flowpoint is simple to use and has an initial set time of just 15 minutes, meaning that your patio can be pointed much faster than using traditional pointing methods.

Flowpoint is suitable for use in all weathers and can be used in the rain, it also prevents weeds from growing between paving slabs! Flowpoint can be used with all types of natural stone – such as sandstone, slate, porcelain, limestone & Indian stone, it can also be used with concrete and granite setts and clay paviours.

Flowpoint comes in three variations, Standard Set, Smooth which is ideal for narrow joints, or ECO – which has 20% recycled material in its formulation.

What colours does Flowpoint come in?

UltraScape Flowpoint comes in two colours which blend perfectly with most natural stones, concrete and granite sets, it comes in Natural Grey & Charcoal.

Can Flowpoint be used on all paving slabs?

Flowpoint rapid set paving grout can be used on most natural stone and manmade slabs – sandstone, Indian stone, slate, porcelain, limestone, marble, granite setts, concrete slabs and clay paviours.

What depth of joint will flowpoint fill?

Flowpoint can fill paving slab joints from 5mm-50mm wide with a minimum depth of 20mm, up to a maximum depth of 200mm in one application.

How do you use Flowpoint?

It is easy to mix and apply UltraScape Flowpoint in between the joints of your paving slabs. Flowpoint comes in a handy 25KG reinforced paper bag, it is a fully premixed dry-pack which is poured into a bucket, then 4.25 litres of water is added to the mix. Flowpoint is mixed for between 3 and 5 minutes until it reaches a smooth lump-free consistency, like a batter mix. Once the mix is ready the mortar should then be applied without delay to the paving slabs. Prior to applying Flowpoint to the patio, joints must be cleaned from all debris and all ponded water removed. The paving surface and joints must also be pre-soaked and kept damp until the jointing process has been completed.

Once the patio or paved area is prepared, Flowpoint must be carefully forced into the joints using a rubber squeegee. Flowpoint slurry grout should be constantly moved over the surface of the patio to repeatedly top up joints where the mortar may have sunk. A rubber squeegee should then be used to remove as much of the Flowpoint paving grout as possible from the surface of the slabs. It is important to remember that the surface of the paving slabs must be kept constantly damp using a light spray of water, when the paving grout has hardened sufficiently the paving surface must be cleaned using a brush and lots of water. It is important to clean the surface of the paving slabs thoroughly, leaving no spots of mortar on the surface of the paving to prevent staining.

How long does Flowpoint take to go hard?

Flowpoint reaches an early initial set after just 15 minutes at 20oC, it should be ready to be thoroughly cleaned after 30 minutes. Patio slabs pointed with Flowpoint will be able to be walked on after approximately one hour, and cars after four hours. It’s important to note also that temperature does marginally affect the set time of Flowpoint, cold temperatures mean the slurry grout will take a little longer to set, warm temperatures will set the grout more rapidly.

How long does Flowpoint last?

Ultrascape Flowpoint can last beyond 20 years without the need to regrout your patio, the manufacturer of Flowpoint, Instaramc suggest that patios or paved areas grouted with Flowpoint will last up to 40 years.

Does Flowpoint stain?

When used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, Flowpoint slurry grout does not stain. Paving slabs should be keep damp with a light misting of water at all times, and should be thoroughly cleaned as the product sets to avoid any staining.

Can you use a pressure washer on Flowpoint? 

Yes, a pressure washer, a washboy or a simple hose can be used to clean the Flowpoint slurry grout from the paving slabs, taking care not to point the hose directly at the joint until it is fully set. Once the Flowpoint grout is set and the joints are fully hardened, the patio can be pressure washed as normal without concern that the joints will crack or mortar break out of the paving slabs.

Does Flowpoint stop weeds?

Yes, Flowpoint prevents weed growth. When applied correctly and as long as the joints are fully filled with no cracks or gags, Flowpoint rapid set grout will eliminate weed growth for years.

When and why was Flowpoint created? 

Flowpoint was created 25 years ago when a project engineer in Scotland who was managing the installation of cobbles in a town centre, came to Instarmac with a problem. The project engineer told the manufacturer that he had a number of contractors on their hands and knees pointing cobbles by hand, which was time consuming, costly and labour intensive. But most of all, pointing by hand was not at all good for the contractors knees and backs. In response to the problem Instarmac produced Flowpoint, a revolutionary pourable slurry mortar as a trial, they sent the bags up to the engineer in Scotland to trial, he loved the new slurry grout that much that he ordered a number of pallets. Paul Butcher, Instarmac Sales Director is proud that the project is still operational today.

From this point Instarmac identified a gap in the market, an opportunity to replace hand pointing and brush in grouts. Throughout the past 25 years, Flowpoint has achieved the prestigious British Standard BS7533, the product has been refined and thousands upon thousands of bags have been used by major contractors across the world. UltraScape Flowpoint has been proudly used in projects in New Zealand, Norway and America – and has been used to carry out block pavement repairs around the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Ultrascape Flowpoint is today used in every continent in the world.

Features & benefits of Flowpoint!

  • Open to foot traffic in 1 hour
  • Open to vehicular traffic in 4 hours
  • Rapid setting
  • Exceptional bond strength
  • Shrinkage compensated
  • Mixes quickly on-site with water
  • Initial set after 15 minutes at 20o C
  • Economical to use
  • Conforms to BS 7533
  • Ideal for large-scale projects
  • Part of the UltraScape streetscape system, which guarantees compatibility and reduces split liability

Watch this video to see how easy is it to use Ultrascape Flowpoint…

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