UltraCrete Perma-Soil Stabiliser 25KG Tub: Turns Excavated Spoil into Backfill
UltraCrete Perma-Soil, Soil Stabiliser is a perfect solution for the backfill and reinstatement of small utility excavations. Perma-Soil is an effective solution for a whole range of applications, such as installing overhead poles, water metres, valve boxes and water tobies. It is suitable for use as an SMF (unbound) or a SMR (bound). Perma-Soil can be hand mixed with spoil from a reinstatement before being compacted back into the excavation to provide an adequate backfill material/sub base. No special tools or complicated techniques are required. As spoil is excavated Perma-Soil is added and left to cure for a short time before reinstatement and compaction. It sets quickly, curing 85% within an hour, 100% within 24 hours.
- Quick and easy to use in-situ
- Eliminates the need/cost to haul away spoil
- Can be re-excavated spoil
- Time saving: quick and easy to use in-situ
- Cost saving: no need to purchase expensive backfill material
- Reduces the need for virgin aggregates
- Increases load bearing ability of excavated soil
- Contains a red traceable agent to ensure consistent mixing
- Meets the requirements of the Utility WRAP Agreement and SMF & SMR of Appendix A9
- Environmentally friendly: huge reduction in the amount of materials that would traditionally be sent to the landfill
- Appendix A9 approved
- Colour: Grey
- Yield: 1000 litres (approx) per 25kg | 500 litres (approx) per 12.5kg
- Sizes: 25KG or 12.5KG Bucket – (Also available in a 25kg plastic bag Click or Call for Details)
- Full Pallets: 25kg bucket – 30 units per pallet | 12.5kg bucket x 56 units per pallet
- Shelf Life: Shelf life in unopened containers from date of manufacture is 8 months.
- Storage: Store in unopened tub clear of the ground in cool dry conditions and protected from excessive draught
Use in conjunction with UltraCrete’s HAPAS approved Instant Road Repair cold lay asphalt, SCJ Seal and Tack Coat spray and Instaband ECO overbanding for a complete reinstatement system which can save you vital time and money!
For enquiries or to speak to a member of our team call 0330 122 1025
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